Approved Handover of Director of Human Resources and Finance on March 31, 2017, at 10.00 WIB held at PT.Pengerukan Indonesia Office, based on:

  1. Resolutions of PT.Pengerukan Indonesia Shareholders excluding the General Meeting of Shareholders Number: HK.568 / 10/39 / PI-II-17 and number PPI-623-003278 dated March 10, 2017 regarding Termination and Appointment of Members of the Board of Directors of PT. Dredging Indonesia.
  2. Minutes of Handover of Position of President Director of PT.Pengerukan Indonesia dated March 17, 2017

So from now on PT.Pengerukan Indonesia already has a Director as well as Director of Human Resources and Finance new. Hopefully with the new Board of Directors will make PT.Pengerukan Indonesia more advanced and successful in the national and international arena.