On August 31, 2017 has been carried out the Delivery of Qurban Animals by PT Pengerukan Indonesia 
to several foundations around the north Jakarta. The animal qurban submitted by PT Pengerukan 
Indonesia in the form of goat animals as much as 8 tails.


The names of the foundations that accept the qurban animals from PT Pengerukan Indonesia are 
as follows:
  1. Yayasan Ak Ikhwan
  2. Musholla Nurul Hikmah, Kp.Lanji
  3. Yayasan PTDI Jakarta Utara
  4. Kelurahan Rawa Badak Utara
  5. Musholla Al Maghfiroh, Jln.Sindang Lorong Kel.Koja Jakarta Utara
  6. Mis Al Maarif, Kalibaru Cilincing
  7. Yayasan Ahsanuamala
  8. Musholla Nurul Ikhsan

Below are photographs of qurban animal submission from PT Pengerukan Indonesia, represented by Yasarman as Corporate Secretary and Law, and accepted by qurban animal committees in every foundation and musholla as documentation.

Hopefully the Qurban animal submitted by PT Pengerukan Indonesia can bring blessing to all 
employees of PT Pengerukan Indonesia, and can be channeled to the rightful to receive it.
All Board of Directors and Management of PT Pengerukan Indonesia wishes