On March 10, 2017, honorable dismissal has taken place and the appointment of new directors under the Shareholders’ Decision, represented by the competent authority in accordance with the provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association, hereby undertake the following decisions
- Halt with honor Br M.Hadi Syafitri Noor as Director of the Company appointed based on Deed of Decision of Shareholder Resolution Without Through the General Meeting of Shareholders of Limited Liability Company PT.Pengerukan Indonesia concerning Dismissal and Appointment of Directors of Limited Liability Company PT.Pengerukan Indonesia Number 05 dated June 20, 2014 with receipt Love for all his contributions and thoughts during his tenure.
- Appoint the following names as Members of the Board of Directors of the Company:
Br. M.Hadi Syafitri Noor – President Director
Br. Budi Prayitno – Director
Hopefully with the presence of the Directors who lead the company PT.Pengerukan Indonesia, we believe PT.Pengerukan Indonesia can be more advanced and successful in the future, and can compete with other companies dikancah national and international.