Hopefully with the new Internet network can improve the performance of all employees.
Hopefully with the new Internet network can improve the performance of all employees. In order to improve comfort and the use of Internet companies herewith notified to all users of the Internet company, that has done the following things:
- Changes provider of internet packets PT Telkom who originally Indihome modem bandwidth Up To 10 MB converted into a provider of PT.Maxindo original 10 MB Dedicated bandwidth and is now a 15 MB Dedicated. With these changes we can hopefully feel the difference.
- Each computer is given as much as 2 MB bandwidth that still use wires, and for those who use the Wireless Router / Wifi given different bandwidth according to their needs.
If there is trouble in Internet issues can directly contact the IT staff, and hopefully with the new Internet can benefit us personally and in particular the company.
Thus we notice, for your attention and understanding throughout the company's internet users
say thank you.
Andhi Priyatna.S