Methods And Stages Of Procurement Of Goods / Services In PT Pengerukan Indonesia.
Procurement of goods / services is done by the following methods:
a. Auctions / General Selection
Auction / general selection is a series of goods / services procurement activities with a value above RP. 5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiahs).
b. Selection / Direct selection
Direct selection / direct selection is a series of goods / services procurement activities with value up to RP. 5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiah),
c. Direct appointment
Direct appointment is a series of goods / services procurement activities that are not limited in value by appointing 1 (one) qualified provider with the Decision of the Board of Directors of PT Pengerukan Indonesia on Procurement of Goods and Services within the PT Pengerukan Indonesia.
d. Direct Purchases
Direct purchase is the procurement of general goods and spare parts with value up to RP.500.000.000,00 (five hundred million rupiah),
e. Swakelola
Swakelola is the implementation of work that is planned, done and self-supervised by using own power, own tools or lease wages wholesale labor and self-managed.
Now PT Rukindo had smart procurement, the meaning of smart procurement is the application of a direct purchasing system in the procurement process in Rukindo in order to expedite the process of purchasing and developing the system in the neighborhood of Rukindo. Please click HERE to enter Smart Procurement application PT Rukindo.
Herewith we attach SK PROCUREMENT
Procurement of Goods
Procurement auction requirements can be added here via the website admin.
Procurement Services
Procurement auction requirements can be added here via the website admin.